Friday, August 26, 2011

Waggin' Tails Wants to Help

Twelve year old Macie Gardner loves pink, zebras and the Houston Astros. Her favorite baseball players are Hunter Pence and Lance Berkman (who sadly, no longer play for the Astros). Macie was supposed to start the 6th grade this month, but on August 4, she suffered an arrhythmia, seizure, and cardiac arrest. Macie has been in a coma at Children's Memorial Hermann since that day. She will be moved to Health Bridge, a long term care facility, next week.

My family, the Einkaufs, are good friends with Macie's family, and Macie's sister Kimi works at Waggin' Tails as a kennel tech. We at Waggin' Tails want to help the family any way we can.

There is a benefit being held for Macie on September 20 (see flier below). Tickets will be available for purchase at Waggin' Tails if you would like to contribute and help the Gardner family in this difficult time. Donations will also be accepted at Waggin' Tails and we will make sure they get to the family.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Birthday Top 10

Top Ten Reasons I had the BEST BIRTHDAY PARTY in history!

 10.  Dogs in party hats. How can you not smile when you see that?
I am almost too handsome in a party hat

9. Cake. No further explanation needed.

Just for Dogs Birthday was dee-lish!

8. Presents!!!!

Thanks for my new toy, Andy McNichol!

7. Kids. My favorite thing!

My friend Mikey and me...our birthdays are just a few days apart!

6. Baby Kisses!

I wonder who slobbers or the baby?

5. 100+ degree weather, and afternoon with my besties at the pool, and more cake!

Oia says, "Got. To. Get. Cake. NOW."

4. Catching awkward expressions on my friends' faces.

Remi's face says it all- YUM!

3. The bloodhound that never stops howling is better than "Happy Birthday" any day!

Hank is always ready to party

2. Post party naps!

Maybe I'm getting too old for this...

1. This Dude.

Too. Much. Punch.
 My birthday party was a huge success! Thanks to everyone who came out to help me celebrate. We took lots more pictures- see our Facebook page for all of them!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!

I tried to keep it low key, but word has leaked out that I turned 7 last week. That's right, SEVEN. Most people think that each year equals seven dog years, which would make me 49, but that's not entirely accurate. Actually, since dogs reach adulthood faster than humans, the formula is 10.5 years for each of the first 2 years of a dog's life, then 4 years for each year after that. So, screw 49, I'm only 41! Yeah, I know, still middle age. Sigh.

Getting old is hard. But luckily, instead of letting me lay around moping about the fact that I'm no longer a spring chicken dog, my WT people are throwing me a party! Here's the invitation- and you are all invited. Spread the word on Facebook, Twitter, by text message, or if you are old fashioned, you could actually tell someone about it face to face (gasp!).

Hope you see you and your kids out at the Ranch next Thursday!