Thursday, April 16, 2015

Updated Vaccination Protocol

Hello Friends!

I wanted to let you know about a few changes to our required vaccination protocol at the Ranch. The following letter should have everything you need to know about what your pet needs before coming out to see us.

Love, Wyatt

Vaccination Update and Canine Influenza:

Hello from your Waggin’ Tails family!  Here is an update on our vaccination protocol as well as the latest on Canine Influenza that has been in the news.

Ø  We require that dogs be vaccinated for 1 or 3 year Rabies (depending on veterinarian documentation), Distemper/Parvo combo (also known as DHLPP or DHLPP-C) and semi-annual* Bordatella (or kennel cough). *Bordatella exception- the one year Zoetis/Phizer vaccine will be accepted with written proof from the veterinarian provided by the owner.  Zoetis (formally Phizer) guarantees their annual Bordatella vaccine and will cover any medical costs due to canine cough. If an owner chooses to go with the one year Zoetis bordatella, Waggin’ Tails will not cover canine cough under their Healthy Pet Guarantee.

Ø  Waggin’ Tails strongly recommends the Canine Influenza vaccination annually but does not require it. If owner does not vaccinate for Canine Flu- it is not covered under our Healthy Pet Guarantee.

Many clients have been asking about the latest outbreak of Canine Influenza in the Midwest that has been on the news. Here is one link to the story and an explanation of the new strain that has entered our country. I would encourage all clients to be informed but not panicked and to speak to their veterinarian about the need to vaccinate or not.

Remember: Summer is almost here and so is flea and tick season!! Make sure your pets are on prevention when they come to our facility. And- now is the time to make your Summer Reservations.

Please feel free to contact one of our staff members with any questions or concerns. Thank you for making Waggin’ Tails Pet Ranch where your pets come to play!!!