Monday, February 21, 2011


"I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it."
- Mae West

I'm too embarrassed to show you what happened next....but I've been having sausage fantasies ever since!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


So this was going to be the post where I wrote about the Great Blizzard of 2011 and how all the dogs staying at the Ranch had hours of fun romping in the snow and having a giant doggy snowball fight. I was going to blog about the 3 inches that stuck around for a few days, covering Fulshear in a beautiful white blanket. I was going to post a picture that looked something like this:

Um, there's just one problem. It didn't happen.

All week I watched the weather forecast in eager anticipation of Snowpocalypse or Snowmaggedon or whatever ridiculous name you were calling the impending blizzard. I tried on my hat and scarf, and had my boys drag the sled out of the barn. Last Thursday night I woke every few hours to look out the window, straining my eyeballs for a glimpse of any white particle falling from the sky.

All for nothin'.

I feel scammed. Cheated. Dallas got their snow. Heck, they had the Superbowl and snow! All we got were some icy roads (not fun) and a bunch of hype. My boys did have a day off from school, which made them, and me, happy.

I don't really have many words of wisdom for you today. All I can tell you is the next time those weathermen make a huge fuss about whatever precipitation may or may not be coming, I'll believe it when I see it!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


This is the Superbowl:

Not to be confused with the Super Bowl:

Avoid embarrassment, and be sure you know the difference.