So this was going to be the post where I wrote about the Great Blizzard of 2011 and how all the dogs staying at the Ranch had hours of fun romping in the snow and having a giant doggy snowball fight. I was going to blog about the 3 inches that stuck around for a few days, covering Fulshear in a beautiful white blanket. I was going to post a picture that looked something like this:

Um, there's just one problem. It didn't happen.
All week I watched the weather forecast in eager anticipation of Snowpocalypse or Snowmaggedon or whatever ridiculous name you were calling the impending blizzard. I tried on my hat and scarf, and had my boys drag the sled out of the barn. Last Thursday night I woke every few hours to look out the window, straining my eyeballs for a glimpse of any white particle falling from the sky.
All for nothin'.
I feel scammed. Cheated. Dallas got their snow. Heck, they had the Superbowl and snow! All we got were some icy roads (not fun) and a bunch of hype. My boys did have a day off from school, which made them, and me, happy.
I don't really have many words of wisdom for you today. All I can tell you is the next time those weathermen make a huge fuss about whatever precipitation may or may not be coming, I'll believe it when I see it!
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